The repository was built on a hill in the complex of old Tran Le Xuan Palace. The repository is located on a high terrain, convenient to access with stable geology, rapid drainage and far away from ignition sources and pollution.
Why an archives repository is placed in Da Lat city? The reason is Da Lat has cool and stable climate all around year – an ideal condition for the collection of the Royal woodblocks of Nguyen Dynasty – World Documentary Heritage.
Besides, there is a tunnel to connect the repository with Lam Ngoc villa which may support evacuation of records and people in case of fire.
Regarding the reason why the Royal woodblocks were moved from Hue to Da Lat in 1960, Hue Museum (the custodian of the woodblocks at that time) believed that “The dry climate around year in Da Lat is suitable to preserve records, especially woodblocks, for long time” According to many researchers, the displacement of the woodblocks besides other royal records in Da Lat was initiated by the government of Republic of Vietnam to avoid conflicts in the area of Tri Thien, which may devast or destroy the collections.
Now, the Royal woodblocks of the Nguyen Dynasty are kept in specialized repository in the National Archives Center No. 4. They are arranged on shelves, fixing their positions with the supports. The woodblocks are classified in to topics such as history, geography, culture, military affairs, etc. The repository is equipped with temperature and humidity meters to monitor and control the optimal temperature and humidity to prolong life of the collection.
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