In order to ensure that you have a convenient visit in the Exhibition area and the Tran Le Xuan Palace and in accordance with the Code of conduct for tourist released by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, we would like to ask for your kind cooperation on followings:
Protect equipment, records and exhibits in the Exhibition area and Tran Le Xuan Palace; protect the environment;
Maintain security and order, follow regulations on fire and explosion prevention, no smoking in exhibition area; do not bring weapons, toxins, explosives and live animals to the attraction.
Follow the tour guide’s instruction, keep silent while visiting.
Gambling and drinking are prohibited at the attraction.
Visitor is responsible to compensate for damage caused by him/herself in accordance with the law and regulations.
If you have any question, please contact the Security team at 02633.561.032 or the Tour counter at 0973.413.445.
We wish you a pleasant visit.
The reading room is open from Monday to Friday and close on public holidays and weekends.
+ 08:00 – 11:30 in the morning
+ 13:30 – 16:00 in the afternoon
The researchers are allowed to:
The researchers are responsible to:
+ Use finding aids provided in the reading room
+ Complete request form before reading or copying
Keep bags and personal belongings in right place
Ensure the record is save while conducting research
Keep records in right order
Don’t cut, spoil, erase or overwrite on the records
Don’t take pictures without permission
Don’t take records of other people, don’t talk, smoke or use mobile phone in the Reading room
Pay for fee if any as required.
+ 07:00 – 16:30
+ Tour guide is not available from 11:30 to 13:30
Show your ticket at security gate
Please follow regulations during your visit
We wish you a pleasant visit.
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